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When i talk about prime time, i mean the perfect time for doing something acting or reacting on something.
Take an example of a leader, a good leader must have an idea of the perfect time to certain things, a leader must know when to hold and when to pass information to his subordinates.
This may not be the same for the case of a politician, much as these two seem to be working with the same group of is more evil than the other.
Politicians are self centered while leaders are people centered, at one time politicians are quoted saying, “i play politics when it suits me, i play for justice not personal game.
i don’t break rules, i play by the rules.
it doesn’t matter what i say or i do, so as long as am doing something.
in the end i don’t care if you love me or hate me just as long as i live”
With that in mind, this creates the difference between a leader and a politician even though they both live a parasitic mode of life to the people they serve.
“welcome to the edge of the death of reason, there’s no right or wrong, not any more, there’s only being in or being out.”
Thanks to mastercard foundation with its partners for the initiative to create the next generation of leaders in Africa who will provide un biased governance from the skills they have learnt and communication strategies they have been natured into.

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